Părintele Arhimandrit Felix Dubneac

Romanian Room

The walls of the Romanian Room are dominated by a series of strongly executed frescoes depicting important periods in the history of Romania. The first panel represents the decisive confrontation of the Dacian (early Romanian) army lead by King Decebalus with the Roman army of Emperor Trajan in 106 A.D. A column which stand in Rome is depicted which, in bas-relief detail, pictures the complete history of the wars between the Dacians and the Romans.

The second panel shows independent Romania as it was in 1920. In the foreground are the founders of the Union of the Romanian Principalities: Prince Mihai the Brave (1600), Prince Alexandru loan Cuza leaders who fought for and maintained the union of the principalities.

The third mural pictorializes important Romanian Princes of various historical periods who developed Romania's culture and preserved the Christian faith, the Romanian national language, and the treasures of their ancestral traditions.

The final panel symbolizes the beauties of the pastoral life exemplied by the symbol of the lamb "Miorita," and explains the cultural and ethnographic background of the Romanian people.

Viewed in their entirety, the paintings afford a panoramic view of Romanians and their rich heritage to be enjoyed by everyone who enters.

Chairperson: Dr. Paul Dragulescu

Artist: Very Rev. Archimandrite Felix Dubneac

Designer: Boris Puscasu


Viaţa Creştină este publicaţia oficială a Bisericii Ortodoxe Române „Sfânta Treime” din Los Angeles, California. Rector: Very Rev.Fr. Constantin Alecse. 

3315 Verdugo Road, Los Angeles, California 90065 - Statele Unite ale Americii

Tel. (323) 255-8583 *  (818) 365-4274 – Cell. (818) 388-5483

 E-mail: preot@biserica.org