On Saturday, 2nd December 2000, the annual Bible Bowl Tournment was held at St. Anthony Greek Orthodox Church in Pasadena, California, with over 20 teams participating. Holy Trinity  took part with two (2) teams, a Jr. Team and a Sr. Team.

            Through hard work (only 2-3 weeks of studying) the Jr. Team took 2nd place. We do congratulate the members of the team: Maggin McGrath, Monica Simonca and Loreley Stoica.

            The Sr. Team, made out of Victor Mangu, Michael Jercan, Robert Mangu and Robert Sarbu came in 4th.

The Holy Trinity is proud of the great accomplishmebts of both teams, therefore they deserve our thanks and gratitude.

We are also thankful to their teachers: Sub-deacons Bill (John William) Clark and George Liviu Constantinescu, general coordinators,  in cooperation with the reast of the teachers Robin McGrath, dr. Costin Popescu, Mrs. Veronica Popescu, under the spiritual guidance of Rev. Fathers: Virgil Anton and Minas Sarchizian, with full cooperation of the students parents.