+ Ioan Funar


La data de 14 Ianuarie 2003, a trecut la cele vesnice Ing. Ioan Funar.


Ioan Funariu s‑a nascut la Sannicolau Mare, in Banat, Romania. Absolveste Liceul Constantin Diaconovici Loga la Timisoara si apoi Institutul Agronomic Timisoara, sectia Zootehnie primind titlul de Inginer Zootehnist in anul 1956. Detine aceasta functie timp de 20 de ani. In aceasta perioada se casatoreste in 1957 cu Aurelia din aceeasi localitate. In 1959 se naste Octavian, unicul copil.


Avea o singura dorinta, de a da copilului posibilitatea de a trai intr‑o tara libera. Paraseste tara si in 1976 se stabileste in Chicago. Dupa un an de zile reuseste sa‑si intregeasca familia. Viata a fost plina de succese si bucurii, pina in 1990 cind isi pierde fiul intr‑un accident de avion. Se mangiie totusi ca au ramas doi nepoti, Natalia si Stefan, care actualmente traiesc in Elvetia. In perioada sederii la Chicago, a fost membru activ al comunitatii Romanesti. Detine functia de presedinte si secretar in nenumarate rinduri la Biserica Nasterea Domnului.


Incepind din August 2001, odata cu pensionarea, se stabileste in desert, in Cathedral City, pentru a fii aproape de familie. Devine memru activ in cadrul comunitati Romanesti din Palm Springs la Biserica St. Arhangheli Mihail si Gaavril. A fost fericit aici in California, ii placea caldura.


Se imboInaveste si dupa o scurta perioada de suferinta decedeaza la 14 Ianuarie, 2003. I‑si ia ramas bun de la toti, Aurelia, sotie, Sabina, sora, Natalia si Stefan, nepoti, Sanda si Florin cu fica Jaqueline, Parintele Silviu Vasilie cu sotia Maria, nepotii Doru cu sotia Corina si fiul Andrei, Adrian cu sotia Maria si copii Radu si Ioana, Silvia cu sotul Egon si copii Christian si Alex. Deasemena i‑si ia ramas bun de la prieteni si cunoscuti.


Slujba inmormantarii a fost oficiata de catre Cucernicii Preoti Protopop Constantin Alecse, si Silviu Vasilie, la data de 18 Ianuarie, in Palm Springs, California.


+ Lixandrina Stanescu


La data de 17 ianuarie 2003, a trecut la cele veşnice credincioasa Bisericii, Lixandrina Stanescu, la vârsta de 82 de ani.


Se născuse la 2 martie 1920, în oraşul Ploieşti din România, din părinţii Frusina şi Mihail Ianculescu.


În 1948 se căsătoreşte cu Vasile Stănescu.


Din căsătoria lor se naşte unica fiică Carmen, căsătorită cu Michael Berk, şi care, cu loialitate, au îngrijit-o pe răposată până ce şi-a dat obştescul sfârşit.


Soţul răposatei, Vasile Stănescu a decedat în 1981, dela care dată Lixandrina va continua să locuiască cu familia fiicei până la deces.


Răposata este supravieţuită de către fiică, Carmen, şi ginerele, Michael Berk, precum şi cele 2 nepoate: Anca (căsătorită cu Daniel), şi Giorgiana, care au iubit-o pe “bunicuţa”, toată viaţa lor.


Slujba înmormântarii a fost oficiată de către Părintele Constantin Alecse, la 22 Ianuarie 2003, în capela cimitirului Forest Lawn, din Hollywood Hills. 


+ Radu Literat


Radu s-a nascut la 27 octombrie 1922 in orasul Fagaras.  Tatal sau,  preotul si profesorul Valer Literat,  a fost unul din promotorii activi ai culturii romanesti din regiunea Fagaras. In copilarie,  Radu a fost un mare iubitor al naturii,  petrecand ore intregi in gradina casei,  citind,  pescuind.  De asemenea,  impreuna cu prietenii lui au facut multe inovatii construind aparate de radio si Morse. Dupa absolvirea liceului Radu Negru din Fagaras,  unde tatal lui era professor de limba romana si franceza,  a intrat la Institutul Politehnic din Bucuresti absolvind cu diploma da inginer constructor.  Mai tarziu,  dupa un curs intensive de inginerie nucleara,  a lucrat aproximativ 10 ani la Institutul de Fizica Nucleara din Bucuresti.  Acolo a intalnit-o pe Livia care i-a devenit prietena si sotie devotata pentru 42 de ani.

La Institutul de Fizica Nucleara a lucrat intens si inovativ la multe aplicatii nucleare in industrie,  imbunatatind productia si siguranta in functionare si avand multe publicatii in revistele tehnice de specialitate.

In 1969 Radu si Livia au reusit sa emigreze in Statele Unite stabilindu-se in New York unde au inceput o viata noua,  fericiti ca au scapat de teroarea comunista si acceptand bucurosi modeste locuri de munca,  fara sa apeleze la nici un ajutor din partea statului.  In New York,  s-au asociat cu Biserica Ortodoxa Sf,  Dumitru,  fiind activi sustinatori ai bisericii,  Radu fiind membru in Comitetul Bisericii si sprijinind pe Parintele Galdau.

Dupa ce pozitia de inginer civil (in structuri) a fost stabilita la compania Gibbs & Hill au hotarat ca Livia sa-si continue studiile,  (era studenta la institutul Politehnic Bucuresti),  si,  in 1976,  a absolvit in inginerie electronica la City College in New York. In 1976,  oferindui-se Liviei un post la Hughes Aircraft,  si pentru a-i oferi sanse sotiei,  Radu si-a sacrificat,  fara ezitare,  pozitia de inginerie de la Gibbs & Hill din New York. Si s-au stability in Los Angeles.

In 1977 Radu a fost angajat la Ralph M. & Parsons Company,  in Pasadena,  ca inginer in structurile   de energie nucleara.

Radu a avut trasaturi de caracter cu totul exceptionale,  de sensibilitate si blandete combinate cu tenacitate si perseverenta care l-au ajutat sa treaca prin multe si grele incercari pe care i le-a oferit viata. A fost un sot iubitor,  companion,  mentor cu stransa legatura sufleteasca si spirituala.

Dupa o suferinta de aproximativ doi ani,  cu o scadere progresiva a capacitatilor fizice si cu o vadita inrautatire in ultimele doua saptamani,  s-a stins din viata la data de 12 martie 2003.

Amintirea lui va fi mereu prezenta in inimile noastre.



+ Sidie Sebesian


Good afternoon,  on behalf of Grandma and our whole family I would like to thank you for coming to day to help say good-bye to Grandma.  Grandma was known to everyone in different ways; Sida,  Sadie,  Mom,  Grandma,  Little Grandma,  Hey Lady and Mrs. Bloom.  The latter always getting her attention with smile and sly laugh. Grandma loved to have visitors and both family and friends,  it warmed her and made her so very happy to have people around to talk with and enjoy life. There are many great memories that we will all keep with us to remember her by. One particular story is that of the Sparklets drinking water man.


(Tell Story)


Grandma love to get out,  and enjoyed going to see the dance recitals Paul and Sabrina performed in at church. She loved getting in the Motor home with Mom and Dad and going to the Parades when Rafina,  Gina and I performed in the high school marching band. More recently she really enjoyed going and watching Katherine,  Jeremy and Cassidy playing their soccer games.


Grandma was born in 1911 in Cincinnati,  Ohio. At the age of two her family moved to Romania and at age 16 she began her move back to the United States. She returned to Ohio where she stayed with family friends for a time while becoming a seamstress.  She married John Sebesian at age 19 and at 36 she gave birth to Susan. Her family was small at first but boy have we grown in the last few years.


We all have special memories,  so I would like to give anyone who wishes to share a fond memory a chance to come up and say a few words.




Thank you.


Once again,  on behalf of Grandma and our family thank you for coming out and spending this time with us to say good-bye to Grandma,  I know she is looking down on us all smiling and enjoying the company as she always did. The grave side service will be at the mausoleum. When her husband John,  Mosu to a lot of us here today,  past away she purchased three …..


(Tell Story)


After the grave side service,  everyone is invited back to Grandma’s house for the Pomana at around 2:30.


+ Violet Reed Klekar 


Violet Reed Klekar  -  better known as Tusi,  was born in Hammond. Indiana,  on October 28,  1917,  to Ielita Cotosman Corut and Ion Cornut.  She was 3rd in birth order having an older sister Sophie,  older brother Mike and younger brother Pete who was her rough housing partner.  Tusi claimed to being a tomboy who liked climbing trees and getting very dirty. Looking back she would often comment on  how poor the family was – yet they never knew they were poor.  They all loved to sing and dance.


In her late teens,  she left Hammond,  for Chicago,  where she worked alongside her sister Sophic gathering money to send to the family in Hammond to help them through the extremely difficult depression years.

She became active in St. Mary’s Romanian Orthodox Church singing in the choir with her beautiful voice. Oh how she loved to sing! She married and gave birth to her daughter Veronica who lived a very short while.


Following World War II she migrated to California to join her sister Sophie and brother-in-law George.  Tusi began a new life and career.  Merchandising became her focus.  She became active at Holy Trinity Romanian Orthodox Church,  Los Angeles    once again singing in the choir and serving  the Ladies Aid Society. These were happy years of fellowship. Energies were directed toward building a Romanian community.  Tusi was certainly American but her Romanian roots always tugged at her heart strings.


In the early 60’s,   she again began a new venture – the impetus was her Mother’s inability to walk. She now moved into the care giving field and opened a Board and Care,  called Hartley House in North Hollywood.   She gave her heart and soul to all that came under her care as she grew the business from four clients to twenty-five! A sense of famly always prevailed at Hartley House,  even when she was at full capacity caring for  twenty-five people. 


In 1981 Tusi married Howard Klekar and elected to retire.  She sold the business and began her final career. Retirement.  Life with Howard was good filled with traveling,  friends and family get togethers.


In 1999,  Tusi underwent open heart surgery for a valve replacement. Ironically,  the surgeon that had served on the team who performed a similar surgery on her sister Sophie many years before was her surgeon!! The surgery was successful and she quickly sprang back. She claimed to have never suffered a moment of discomfort.  She did extremely well recovery wise. Unfortunately,  her health began a gradual decline after 2001.  She departed this life last Saturday,  March the 29th at 12:55 AM. Her courage,  her fighting spirit,  her laughter,  her ability to always see the bright side,  and her big loving heart will be greatly missed and always remembered!


According to our Orthodox teaching – death is merely a separation of body and soul. The body remains here on earth and the soul moves into another sphere. The word sleeping,  as used in the Orthodox funeral service,  characterizes death of the body not of the soul.


We believe that man has a two-fold nature,  consisting of a material,  visible body,  called the outer man and an immaterial invisible soul,  called the inner man.  Man is both mortal and immortal,  visible and invisible and sensible and intelligible. One’s true self is not the visible body but the inner being,  the spiritual man,  for it is the soul that vivifies,  nurtures and makes the body move and sense. The soul rules the body and gives life to the flesh.  Without the soul,  the body is dead,  motionless and senseless. The soul and the body are inexpressibly and inscrutably united!  Separation of soul and body is not a natural state.


 At the Second Coming,  when the last trumpet is sounded,  the dead shall rise and receive new bodies - incorruptible and immortal.  The body and soul will be reunited.


May God,  in his infinite love for mankind be forgiving and merciful unto his handmaid,  Violet!


We love you Tusi!