Why Pascha Is Celebrated At Night


The celebration of Easter/Pascha in the Orthodox Church is not merely an historical reenactment of the events of Christ`s Resurrection as narrated in the gospels. It is not a dramatic representation of the "first Easter morning." There is no "sunrise service" since the Easter Matins and the Divine Liturgy are celebrated together in the first dark hours of the first day of the week in order to give men the experience of the "new creation" of the world,  and to allow them to enter mystically into the New Jerusalem which shines eternally with the glorious light of Christ,  overcoming the perpetual night of evil and destroying the darkness of this mortal and sinful world: Shine! Shine! O New Jerusalem! The Glory of the Lord has shone on you! Exult now and be glad,  O Zion! Be radiant,  O Pure Theotokos,  in the Resurrection of your Son! (Taken from Worship,  The Orthodox Faith,  Vol. II,  by Fr. Thomas Hopko.)