1. a. Of the Holy Prophet Nahum.
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2. g. Of the Holy Prophet Habakkuk.
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3. f. Of the Holy Prophet Zephaniah.
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4. e. V. Of the Holy Great Martyr Barbara; And of our VenerableFather John of Damascus.
Dispensation for Wine and Oil
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5. d. II. Of our Venerable and God-bearing Father Sabbas theSanctified.
Feast, Dispensation for Wine and Oil
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6. c. II. Of our Father among the Saints, Nicholas, Archbishopof Myra in Lycia, Wonderworker.
Feast, DispensationforWineandOil
At Matins, Prokeimenon, Tone 4:
before the Lord is the death of His saints.
Verse: Whatshall I
render unto the Lord for all that He hath rendered unto me?
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7. b. V. Of our Father among the Saints, Ambrose, Bishop of Milan; And the Translationof our Venerable Father Anthony of Sia, Wonderworker.
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8. a. Of our Venerable Father Patapius.
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9. g. IV. Of the Conception of Saint Anne, when she conceivedthe All-holy Theotokos.
Feast, Dispensation for Wine and Oil
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10. f. Of the Holy Martyrs Menas, Hermogenes, and Eugraphus.
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11. e. Of our Venerable Father Daniel the Stylite.
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12. d. V. Of our Venerable Father Spyridon, Wonderworker, Bishop of Trimithys.
Dispensation for Wine and Oil
13. c.
IV. Ofthe Holy Martyrs Eustratius,
Auxentius, Eugene, Mardarius, and Orestes;
of the Holy Martyr Lucia, Virgin.
III. And of our Father among the Saints, the VenerableElder
Herman of Alaska and All America,
Dispensation for Wine and Oil
At Matins, Prokeimenon, Tone 4:
The righteous
cried, and the Lord heard them, anddelivered them out of all their
Manyare the tribulations of the righteous, but out of them all will the
Lorddeliver them.
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The Sunday that falls between the 1lth andthe 17th of December is the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers.
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14. b. Of the Holy Martyrs Thyrsus, Leucius, Philemon, Apollonius, Arian, andCallinicus.
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15. a. Of the Holy Hieromartyr Eleutherius; And of our Venerable Father Paul ofLatra.
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16. g. Of the Holy Prophet Haggai.
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17. f. V. Of theHoly Prophet Daniel; And of the Three Holy Children, Ananiah, Azariah,and Mishael.
Dispensation for Wine and Oil
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The Sunday that falls betweenthe 18th of December and the 24th is the Sunday before the Nativity, or,the Sunday of the Holy Fathers.
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18. e. Of the Holy Martyr Sebastian and his Companions.
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19. d. Of the Holy Martyr Boniface.
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20. c.
V. Pre-feastof the Nativity of our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ in the
of the Holy Hieromartyr Ignatius, the God-bearer.
Dispensation for Wine and Oil
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21. b.
III. Of the Holy MartyrJuliana;
of our Father among the Saints, Peter, Metropolitan of all Russia,Wonderworker.
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22. a. Of the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia.
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23. g. Of the Ten Holy Martyrs of Crete.
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24. f. Of the Holy Nun-Martyr Eugenia.
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Pascha. Three-day Feast.
General Dispensation up to the Eve ofTheophany.
The Interhours are not used.
At Matins, Prokeimenon, Tone 4:
Out of the womb
before the morning star have I begottenthee; the Lord hath sworn and will not
Verse: The
Lordsaid to my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand till I make thine enemies
afootstool for thy feet.
At the Liturgy, the Eisodikon:
Out of the womb before the morning star have I begottenthee; the Lord hath sworn and will not repent; Thou art a priest foreverafter the order of Melchisedech.
Instead of the Trisagion:
As many as have been baptized into Christ have puton Christ. Alleluia.
On the same day at Vespers,the Great Prokeimenon, Tone 7, is used. See Vespers on Holy Pascha.
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26. d.
IV. Synaxisof the All-holy Theotokos;
the memorial of the Holy Hieromartyr Euthymius, Bishop of Sardis.
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On the Sunday after the Nativity,the memorial of the Holy and Righteous Joseph the Betrothed, David theKing, and James, the Lord's Brother.
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27. c.
V. Of the HolyApostle, First Martyr and Archdeacon Stephen;
of our Venerable Father and Confessor Theodore, the Composer, and Brotherof
of Canons.
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28. b. Of the Twenty Thousand Martyrs burned in Nicomedia.
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29. a. Of
the 14,000 Holy Innocents massacred for Christ by Herod in Bethlehemof Judea;
of our Venerable Father Marcellus, Hegumen of the Monastery of Vigilance.
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30. g. Of the Holy Martyr Anysia; And of the Holy Martyr and Presbyter, Zodicus,Protector of Orphans.
Saint Melania's service is also sung onthis day since the Leave-taking of the Nativity Feast falls on the 31st.
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31. f. Of our Venerable Mother Melania of Rome.
On this day the Leave-taking of the Feast of the Nativity of Christoccurs.
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