1. b.
V. Pre-feast of the Meeting of our Lord God and Saviour
Jesus Christ;
of the Holy Martyr Tryphon.
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Dispensation for Fish, if it does notoccur during the Great Fast.
At Matins, Prokeimenon, Tone 4:
I will
remember thy name from generation to generation.
Verse: My
heartoverfloweth with a good word; I will speak of my works unto the King.
At the Liturgy, the Eisodikon:
The Lord hath made known His salvation; before thenations hath He revealed His righteousness.
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3. g.
V. Of the Holy and Righteous Simeon, the God-receiver,
and of Anna, the Prophetess.
the Holy Nicholas, Equal of the Apostles, Evangelizer of Japan.
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4. f. Of our Venerable Father Isidore of Pelusium.
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5. e. Of
the Holy Martyr Agatha;
IV. And the Translation of our Father among the
Saints, Theodosius, Archbishopof Chernigov.
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6. d. Of
our Venerable Father Bucolus. Bishop of Smyrna.
our Holy Father among the Saints, Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople,Confessor.
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7. c. Of our Venerable Father Parthenius, Bishop of Lampsacus; And of our VenerableFather Luke.
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8. b. V. Of the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Stratilates; And of the Holy ProphetZachariah.
Dispensation for Wine and Oil
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9. a. Of
the Holy Martyr Nicephorus;
this day, the Leave-taking of the Feast of the Meeting of the Lord occurs.
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10. g. Of the Holy Martyr Charalampos.
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11. f. Of the Holy Hieromartyr Blaise, Bishop of Sebastia.
Dispensation for Wine and Oil
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12. e. Of
our Father among the Saints, Meletius, Archbishop of Antioch;
III. On this
same day, the Translation of our Father among the Saints,Alexis, Metropolitan
of all Russia,
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13. d. Of our Venerable Father Martinian.
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14. c. Of
our Venerable Father Auxentius;
III. And the
Translation of our Venerable Father Cyril, Teacher of theSlavs.
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5. b. Of the Holy Apostle Onesimus.
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16. a. Of the Holy Martyrs Pamphilus and Porphyrius and those with them.
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17. g. V. Of the HolyGreat Martyr Theodore of Tyre.
Dispensation for Wine and Oil
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18. f. Of our Father among the Saints, Leo, Pope of Rome.
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19. e. Of the Holy Apostle Archippus.
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20. d. Of our Venerable Father Leo, Bishop of Catania.
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21. c. Of
our Venerable Father Timothy of Symbola;
of our Father among the Saints, Eustathius, Archbishop of Great Antioch.
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22. b. The Finding of the Precious Relics of the Holy Martyrs at Eugenius.
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23. a. Of the Holy Hieromartyr Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna.
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24. g.
III. The First and SecondFinding of the Precious Head of the Holy Glorious
Prophet, Forerunner,and
of the Lord, John.
Dispensation for Wine and Oil
At Matins, Prokeimenon, Tone 4:
There shall I
make a horn for David to spring up;I have made ready a lamp for my Christ.
RememberDavid, O Lord, and all his meekness.
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25. Of ourFather among the Saints, Tarasius, Archbishop of Constantinople.
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26. e. Of our Father among the Saints, Porphyrius, Archbishop of Gaza.
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27. d. Of our Venerable Father and Confessor, Procopius of Decapolis.
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28. c. Of our Venerable Father and Confessor, Basil, Cofaster of Procopius.
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29. b. Ofour Venerable Father Cassian the Roman