1. f.
of the Holy Apostle Ananias, One of the Seventy;
of our Venerable Father Roman, the Sweet Singer.
-- -- -- --
2. e.
V. Of the Holy Hieromartyr Cyprian;
of the Holy Martyr Justina;
of Saint Andrew, the Fool in Christ.
-- -- -- --
3. d. V. Of theHoly Hieromartyr Dionysius the Areopagite.
-- -- -- --
4. c. Of the Holy Hieromartyr Hierotheus, Bishop of Athens.
-- -- -- --
5. b. Of
the Holy Martyr Charitina;
IV. Onthe same day, Memorial of the Holy Hierarchs, Peter,
Alexis, Jonah, andPhilip,
of Moscow and all Russia, Wonderworkers.
-- -- -- --
6. a. III. Of the Holy GloriousApostle Thomas,
Dispensation for Wine and Oil
-- -- -- --
7. g. V. Of the Holy MartyrsSergius and Bacchus.
-- -- -- --
8. f. Of our Venerable Mother Pelagia.
-- -- -- --
9. e.
III. Ofthe Holy Apostle James, Son of
of our Venerable Father Andronicus, and his Wife Athanasia.
-- -- -- --
10. d. Of the HolyMartyrs Eulampius and Eulampia.
-- -- -- --
11. c.
Of the HolyApostle Philip, One of the Seven Deacons;
And of
our Venerable Father Theophanes, Composer and Writer of Canons,Bishop of Nicea.
-- -- -- --
On the Sunday following,we celebrate the Memorial of the Seventh Holy Council.
-- -- -- --
12. b.
Of the HolyMartyrs Probus, Tarachus, and Andronicus;
of our Venerable Father Cosmas of the Holy City, Bishop of Maium, andWriter of
III. Onthe
same day occurs the Celebration for St. John, Baptist of our Lord,in memory of
from Malta to the city of Gatchina of a cross from a part of thewood of the
Cross of the Lord; the wonderworking icon of the Mother ofGod painted by the
Evangelist Luke; and the relic of the right hand of Saint John, Forerunnerand
-- -- -- --
13. a. Of the Holy MartyrsCarpus and Papylus.
-- -- -- --
14. g.
Of the HolyMartyrs Nazarius, Gervasius, Protasius, and Celsius;
of our Venerable Mother Paraskeva of Serbia.
-- -- -- --
15. f.
Of our VenerableFather Euthymius, the New;
And of
the Holy Monk-Martyr Lucian, Presbyter of Great Antioch.
-- -- -- --
16. e Of the HolyMartyr Longinus, the Centurion.
-- -- -- --
17. d. Of the Holy ProphetHosea; And of the Holy Monk-Martyr Andrew of Crete.
-- -- -- --
18. c. III Of theHoly Apostle and Evangelist Luke.
Dispensation for Wine and Oil
-- -- -- --
19. b.
Of the HolyProphet Joel; And of the Holy Martyr Varus;
V. Andof
our Venerable Father John of Ryla.
-- -- -- --
20.a. V. Of the Holy Great Martyr Artemius.
-- -- -- --
V. Of our Venerable Father Hilarionthe Great;
V.On the same daythe
Translation of the Relics of our Venerable Father Hilarion, Bishopof
-- -- -- --
22. f.
Of the HolyEqual of the Apostles, Abercius, Bishop of Hierapolis, Wonderworker;
And of
the Seven Holy Children of Ephesus;
III Onthe
same day we celebrate the Holy Wonderworking Icon of the All-holy Theotokosof
-- -- -- --
23.e. IV. Of theHoly Apostle James, Brother of God, First Bishop of Jerusalem;
Dispensation for Wine and Oil
-- -- -- --
24. d. Of the HolyMartyr Arethas and those with him.
-- -- -- --
25. c. Of the HolyMartyrs Marcian and Martyrius, Notaries.
-- -- -- --
III Of the Holy and Glorious GreatMartyr Demetrius;
the Commemoration of the Great and Frightful Earthquake;
-- -- -- --
Feast, Dispensation for Wine and Oil
At Matins, Prokeimenon, Tone 4:
God is
wondrous in His saints, the God of Israel.
Verse: To
thesaints, who are on His earth, the Lord hath revealed the wonders of allHis
will in them.
-- -- -- --
27. a. Of the Holy MartyrNestor; And of our Venerable Father Nestor, the Chronicler, of the Caves.
-- -- -- --
28. g.
Of the Holy MartyrsTerence and Neonilla;
And of
our Venerable Father Stephen the Sabbaite, Composer of Canons;
IV And of our Father amongthe
Saints, Arsenius Archbishop of Serbia;
And of
the Holy Martyr Paraskeve;
Translation of the Venerable Job, Hegumen and Wonderworker of Pochaev.
-- -- -- --
f. Of the HolyNun-Martyr Anastasia of Rome; And
of our Venerable Father Abramius the
-- -- -- --
30. e. Of the HolyMartyrs Zenobius and his Sister Zenobia.
-- -- -- --
31. d
Of the HolyApostles, Stachys, Amplius, and those with them (of the Seventy);
And of
the Holy Martyr Epimachus; And of the Monk-Martyr Nicholas.