On the Nativity of Christ:
At the All-night Vigil:
May He who was born in a cavern, and lay in a mangerfor our salvation, Christ our true God, through the intercessions of Hisall-immaculate Mother, of our Venerable and God-bearing Fathers, and ofall the Saints, have mercy on us and save us, for He is good and lovethman.
At the Liturgy:
May He who was born in a cavern, and lay in a mangerfor our salvation, Christ our true God, through the intercessions of Hisall-immaculate Mother, of the holy, glorious and all-laudable Apostles,of our Father among the Saints, (name of the Saintwhose Liturgy is celebrated), of our Venerable and God-bearingFathers and of all the Saints, have mercy on us and save us, for He isgood and loveth man.
On the Circumcision:
May He who on the eighth day did deign to be circumcisedin the flesh for our salvation, Christ our true God . . .
On Theophany:
May He who in Jordan did deign to be baptized ofJohn for our salvation, Christ our true God . . .
On the Meeting of the Lord
May He who did deign to be held in the arms of therighteous Simeon for our salvation, Christ our true God
On Transfiguration:
May He who on Mount Tabor was transfigured in glorybefore His holy Disciples and Apostles, Christ our true God . . .
On Palm Sunday:
May He who did deign to sit upon an ass's colt, forour salvation, Christ our true God . . .
The Same Sunday, at Vespers:
May the Lord who came to His voluntary passion forour salvation, Christ our true God . . .
On Great Thursday:
May He who through His surpassing goodness did showthe most excellent way of humility, when He washed the Disciples' feetand did condescend even to the Cross and burial for us, Christ our trueGod . . .
At the Dismissal of the Holy Passion Service:
May He who endured spitting, scourging, slapping,the Cross and death for the salvation of the world, Christ our true God. . .
On Holy and Great Friday:
May He who for us men and for our salvation did condescendto the dread passion and the life-creating Cross, and voluntary burialin the flesh, Christ our true God . . .
On the Sunday of Pascha and throughoutBright Week:
May Christ, who is risen from the dead, tramplingdown death by death, and on those in the tombs bestowing life, our trueGod . . .
On Ascension:
May He who in glory did ascend from us into heavenand sitteth at the right hand of God the Father, Christ our true God .. .
On the Sunday of Pentecost:
May He who in the shape of fiery tongues from heavendid send down the All-holy Spirit upon His holy Disciples and Apostles,Christ our true God . . .
On the Same Sunday, at Vespers:
May He who did empty Himself from the Paternal DivineBosom, and came down from heaven upon the earth, and took upon Himselfall our nature, and made it divine, and after these things, again ascendedinto heaven and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father, and did senddown the divine and holy Spirit, one in essence, equal in power, and equalin glory, and ever-existing with Him, upon His holy Disciples and Apostles,and through Him did enlighten them, and through them the whole world, Christour true God, through the intercessions of His allimmaculate and all-blamelessholy Mother, of the holy, glorious, all-laudable Preachers of God, theSpirit-bearing Apostles, and of all the Saints, have mercy on us and saveus, for He is good and loveth man.