Prokeimena of the Triodion

Meat-Fare Saturday

One Prokeimenon, Tone 6, Psalm 24:13,1

    Their souls shall abide amid good things.
    Verse: To thee,0 Lord, have I lifted up my soul, 0 my God.

Alleluia, Tone 6, Psalm 64:4; 101: 12;and 24:13

    Blessed are they whom thou hast chosen and taken,0 Lord; their memory is from generation to generation.
    Verse: Theirsouls shall abide amid good things.

Communion, Psalm 64:4; 101: 13

    Blessed are they whom thou hast chosen and taken,0 Lord; their memory is from generation to generation.

Meat-Fare Sunday

At Matins, the Prokeimenon of the Tone

At Liturgy, Prokeimenon, Tone 3, Psalm146:5, 1

    Great is our God, and great is His might, and ofHis understanding there is no measure.
    Verse: Praiseye the Lord, for psalmody is a good thing.

Alleluia, Tone 8, Psalm 94:1, 2

    O come, let us rejoice unto the Lord; let us shoutunto God our Savior.
    Verse: Let uscome before His presence in confession, and in psalms let us shout untoHim.

Communion, Psalm 148:1

    Praise ye the Lord from the heavens; praise Him inthe highest.

Another, Psalm 32:1

    Rejoice in the Lord, ye righteous; praise becomeththe upright.

Cheese-Fare Saturday

Prokeimenon, Tone 4, Psalm 149:5, 6

    The saints shall boast in glory; they shall rejoicein their beds.
    Verse: The exaltationof God shall be in their throats, and two-edged swords in their hands.

Alleluia, Tone 2, Psalm 91:13; 31:11

    They that are planted in the house of the Lord shallflourish in the courts of our God.
    Verse: Be gladin the Lord and rejoice, ye righteous; and boast all ye upright in heart.

Communion, Psalm 32:1

    Rejoice in the Lord, ye righteous; praise becomeththe upright.

Cheese-Fare Sunday

At Matins, the Prokeimenon of the Tone

At Liturgy, Prokeimenon, Tone 8, Psalm75: 1 1, 1

    Pray ye, and render unto the Lord our God.
    Verse: In Judeais God known; in Israel, great is His name.

Alleluia, Tone 6, Psalm 91:1, 2

    It is good to confess the Lord, and to sing psalmsunto thy name, 0 Most High.
    Verse: To proclaimthy mercy in the morning and thy truth in the night.

Communion, Psalm 148:1

    Praise ye the Lord from the heavens; praise Him inthe highest.

On this Sunday evening,

The Great Prokeime.non, Tone 8, Psalm68:17, 18, 29, 32

    Turn not away thy face from thy child; for I am afflicted,hear me speedily. Attend to my soul and redeem it.
    Verse: Thy salvation,0 God, hath upheld me.
    Verse: Let thepoor see and be glad.
    Verse: Seekye God, and your soul shall live.

And again the same:

    Turn not away thy face from thy child; for I am afflicted,hear me speedily. Attend to my soul and redeem it.

First Saturday of the Fast

At the Liturgy, Prokeimenon, Tone 7, Psalm63: 10, 1

    The righteous shall rejoice in the Lord, and he shallhope in Him.
    Verse: Hearmy prayer, 0 God, when I pray unto thee.

Alleluia, Tone 4, Psalm 91:12, 13

    The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree; likethe cedars of Lebanon shall he increase.
    Verse: Theythat are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courtsof our God.

Communion, Psalm 11 1:6, 7

    The righteous shall be in eternal memory; he shallnot fear evil tidings.

First Sunday of the Fast

At Matins, the Prokeimenon of the Tone

At the Liturgy, Prokeimenon, Tone 4,

Hymn of the Fathers, Daniel 3

    Blessed art thou, 0 Lord God of our Fathers, andpraised and glorified be thy name unto the ages.
    Verse: For thouart righteous in all things which thou hast done unto us.

Alleluia, Tone 4, Psalm 98:6

    Moses and Aaron among His priests, and Samuel amongthem that call upon His name.
    Verse: Theycalled upon the Lord, and He heard them.

Communion, Psalm 148:1

    Praise ye the Lord from the heavens; praise Him inthe highest.

Another, Psalm 32:1

    Rejoice in the Lord, 0 ye righteous; praise becomeththe upright.

On this Sunday evening,

the Great Prokeimenon, Tone 8, Psalm 60:5,2, 4, and 8

    Thou hast given an inheritance to them that fearthy name, 0 Lord.
    Verse: Fromthe ends of the earth I have called unto thee.
    Verse: I shallbe sheltered under the shelter of thy wings.
    Verse: So willI sing psalms unto thy name unto ages of ages.
    And again: Thouhast given an inheritance to them that fear thy name, O Lord.

Second Saturday of the Fast

Prokeimenon, Alleluia, and Communion ofthe Day, and for the Dead

Second Sunday of the Fast

At Matins, the Prokeimenon of the Tone

At Liturgy, the Prokeimenon, Tone 5, Psalm1 1: 8, 1

    Thou, O Lord, shalt keep us and guard us from thisgeneration and forevermore.
    Verse: Saveme, 0 Lord, for there is not one holy man left.

For Saint Gregory, Prokeimenon, Tone 1,Psalm 48:3

    My mouth shall speak wisdom, and the meditation ofmy heart understanding.

Alleluia of the Tone

Communion, Psalm 148:1

    Praise ye the Lord from the heavens; praise Him inthe highest.

Another, Psalm 1 1 1: 6, 7

    The righteous shall be in eternal memory; he shallnot fear evil tidings.

On this Sunday evening, the Great Prokeimenon,

Turn not away thy face, with its verses.

See the Prokeimenon of Cheese-Fast Sundayevening.

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Third Saturday of the Fast

Prokeimenon of the Day and of the Dead

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Third Sunday of the Fast

At Matins, the Prokeimenon of the Tone

At Liturgy, instead of the Trisagion:

    Thy Cross do we worship, O Master, and thy holy Resurrectiondo we glorify.

Prokeimenon, Tone 6, Psalm 27:9, 1

    Save, O Lord, thy people, and bless thine inheritance.
    Verse: To thee,O Lord, have I cried; O Lord my God, keep not silent toward me.

Alleluia, Tone 8, Psalm 73:2, 12

    Remember thy congregation, which thou hast possessedfrom the beginning.
    Verse: God isour King before the ages; He hath wrought salvation in the midst of theearth.

Communion, Psalm 4:7

    The light of thy face hath been a sign upon us, OLord.

On this Sunday evening, the Great Prokeimenon,

Thou hast given an inheritance,

See First Sunday.

Fourth Saturday of the Fast

Prokeimenon of the Day and for the Reposeof the Departed

Fourth Sunday of the Fast

At Matins, the Prokeimenon of the Tone

At Liturgy, Prokeimenon of the Tone, andof the Venerable Saint, Tone 8, Psalm 149:5

    The saints shall boast in glory; they shall rejoicein their beds.

Alleluia of the Tone, and of the Saint,Verse, Psalm 91:13

    They that are planted in the house of the Lord shallflourish in the courts of our God.

Communion, Psalm 148:1

    Praise ye the Lord from the heavens; praise Him inthe highest.

Another, Psalm 1 1 1:6, 7

    The righteous shall be in eternal memory, He shallnot fear evil tidings.

On this Sunday evening, the Great Prokeimenon,

Turn not away thy face,

See Cheese-fast Sunday.

Fifth Saturday of the Fast

Prokeimenon, Tone 3, the Song of the Theotokos:

    My soul doth magnify the Lord; and my spirit hathrejoiced in God my Savior.
    Verse: For Hehath looked down upon the humili-ty of His servant; for, behold, henceforthall generations shall bless me.

Alleluia, Tone 8, Psalm 131:8, 1

    Arise, O Lord, into thy resting place, thou and theark of thy holiness.
    Verse: RememberDavid, 0 Lord, and all his meekness.

Communion, Psalm 115:4

    I will take the cup of salvation, and I will callupon the name of the Lord.

Fifth Sunday of the Fast

At Matins, the Prokeimenon of the Tone

At Liturgy, the Prokeimenon of the Tone,and of the Venerable Saint, Tone 4, Psalm 67:34

    God is wonderful in His saints; the God of Israel.

Alleluia of the Tone

Communion, Psalm 148:1

    Praise ye the Lord from the heavens; praise Him inthe highest.

Another, Psalm 111:6. 7

    The righteous shall be in eternal memory; He shallnot fear evil tidings.

On this Sunday evening, the Great Prokeimenon,

Thou hast given an inheritance,

See First Sunday of the Fast.

The Saturday of Lazarus

Instead of the Trisagion:

    As many as have been baptized into Christ have puton Christ. Alleluia.

Prokeimenon, Tone 3, Psalm 26:1

    The Lord is my enlightenment and my Savior; whomshall I fear?
    Verse: The Lordis the Defender of my I ife; of whom shall I be afraid?

Alleluia, Tone 5, Psalm 92:1

    The Lord hath become King; with beauty hath He clothedHimself.
    Verse: For Hehath established the world, which shall not be moved.

Communion, Psalm 8:2

    Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings hast thouperfected praise.

Palm Sunday

At Matins, Prokeimenon, Tone 4, Psalm8:2, 1

    Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings hast thouperfected praise.
    Verse: O Lord,our Lord, how wondrous is thy name in all the earth.

At the Liturgy, the Eisodikon, Psalm 98:1,3

    Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord.We have blessed you out of the house of the Lord. God is the Lord thathath revealed Himself unto us.

The Trisagion

Prokeimenon, Tone 4, Psalm 117:26,29

    Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord. God is the Lord that hath revealed Himself unto us.
    Verse: Confessunto the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy is forever.

Alleluia, Tone 1, Psalm 97:1, 3

    Sing unto the Lord a new song; for the Lord hathwrought wonders.
    Verse: All theends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

Communion, Psalm 117:26

    Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord.God is the Lord that hath revealed Himself unto us.

On Holy and Great Thursday

At Vespers, Prokeimenon of the Epistle,Tone 7, Psalm 2:2, 1

    The princes of the people gathered together againstthe Lord and against His Christ.
    Verse: Why didthe nations rage and the people practice vanity?

Alleluia, Tone 6, Psalm 40:1, 5, 9

    Blessed is he that understandeth concerning the poorand the needy; in the evil day the Lord will deliver him.
    Verse: Mineenemies have spoken evils against me, when shall he die and his name perish?
    Verse: He thatate my bread hath lifted his heel against me.


    Of thy mystic supper, O Son of God, accept me todayas a communicant. I will not speak of thy mystery to thine enemy, neitherwill I give thee a kiss as did Judas, but like the thief will I confessthee. Remember me, O Lord, in thy kingdom. ThenAlleluia. Thrice

On Holy and Great Friday

At Vespers, Prokeimenon, Tone 4, Psalm21:16, 1

    They parted my garment among them, and upon my vesturedid they cast lots.
    Verse: O God,my God, attend to me; why hast thou forsaken me?

At the first reading from Exodus;

and again, Let us attend.

Prokeimenon, Tone 4, Psalm 34:1, 2

    Judge thou, O Lord, them that wrong me. War againstthem that war against me.
    Verse: Takeup armor and shield, and rise up to help me.

And two readings: from Job and then fromIsaiah.

And again: Let us attend.

Prokeimenon, Tone 6, Psalm 87:6, 1

    They have laid me in the lowest pit, in dark places,and in the shadow of death.
    Verse: O LordGod of my salvation, I have called in the day and in the night before thee.

Epistle from Corinthians, Selection 125

Alleluia, with censing, Tone 1, Psalm68:1, 20, 23

    Save me, O God, for the waters have come in, evenunto my soul.
    Verse: My soulhath waited for reproach and misery.
    Verse: Let theireyes be darkened, that they see not.

    Then the Gospel from Matthew,Selection 101

On Holy and Great Saturday

At Matins, after the Doxology,

Prokeimenon of the Epistle, Tone 7, Psalm9:33, 1

    Arise, O Lord my God, let thine hand be lifted up;forget not thy needy ones till the end.
    Verse: I willconfess thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I will tell all thy wonders.

Alleluia, Tone 5, Psalm 67:1, 2, 3

    Let God arise, and let Him scatter His enemies, andlet them that hate Him flee from before His face.
    Verse: As smokevanisheth, let them vanish, as wax melteth in the face of fire.
    Verse: So letsinners perish before the face of God, but let the righteous be glad.

At the Liturgy, instead of the Trisagion

    As many as have been baptized into Christ, have puton Christ. Alleluia.

Prokeimenon, Tone 8, Psalm 65:3, 1

    Let all the earth worship thee and sing psalms untothee; let them sing psalms unto thy name, 0 Most High.
    Verse: Shoutunto the Lord all the earth; sing psalms unto His name.

Alleluia is not sung, but after the priestsays,

Peace be to thee,

the reader immediately says in Tone 7,Psalm 81:1-7

    Arise, O God, judge thou the earth; for thou shaltinherit among all the nations.

And the people again the same.

Then the reader says the verses:

    God standeth in the congregation of gods; in themidst shall He judge gods.
    And the singers:Arise, 0 God . . .

    Verse: How longwill ye judge unrighteously, and accept the presence of sinners?
    Arise, O God ...

    Verse: Judgethe orphan and the needy; to the humble and the poor do justice.
    Arise, O God ...

    Verse: Redeemthe needy and the poor, out of the hand of the sinner deliver him.
    Arise, O God ...

    Verse: They havenot known nor understood; they walk about in darkness.
    Arise, O God ...

    Verse: All thefoundations oi the earth shall be moved. I have said, ye are gods and allare sons of the Most High; but as men ye die, and as one of the princesye fall.

And again:

    Arise, O God, judge thou the earth; for thou shaltinherit among all the nations.

    While this is being sung,the priest and the deacon put off their vestments, and vest themselvesin white.

Communion, Psalm 77:65

    As one who is asleep the Lord awoke, and He hathrisen and saved us. Alleluia, thrice

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