The Building Committee approves the Architectural Plans


The Building Committee Meeting Approved the Architectural Plans

Saturday, May 9, 2004 – 10:00-12:00 pm


Presentation – Participants’ Photo-Album

Architectural Plans


After months of hard work, and in close consultation with His Eminence Archbishop Nathaniel, and Very Rev. Fr. Dean Laurence Lazar, on behalf of the Religious Art Commission of ROEA, the Architects Garo Minassian and Michelle Ertzan, under the supervision of Fr. Constantin Alecse, were able to structure the building project plans work-load (90%), the Holy Trinity Parish will undertake in Sunland, California, commencing the year’s end of 2004.


The progress of the architectural work, as well as its contingencies (grading/civil, structural, electrical, plumbing, acoustical, kitchen consulting, soil & geological, etc.) were constantly reported to the community by Fr. Constantin Alecse, through the church magazine (, the Internet web-page ( ), direct mailing and Sunday’s announcements, at the end of the Church Services.


On Sunday, February 8, 2004, at the Parish General Assembly, both: the parish Office, represented by Fr. Constantin Alecse, and the Building Committee Chairman, Mr. Constantin Jercan, presented - in a joint report - the 2003 and part of 2004 Building Committee’s activities, for the full year of 2003 and part of 2004; while Mr. Marian Serban, Treasurer of the Building Trust Fund, made a detailed presentation of the “Building Project Finances”, which, at the end-of-year stood at a bit more than $ 700,000.00 (money-in-the-bank), not considering the Church’s real estate assets, and the liquid grant of some $ 800,000.00 (plus the Chatsworth MROC real estate) from the MROC/Moldovita Foundation, dedicated to the same purpose.


After the final approval was received from the ROEA (Episcopate), regarding the details concerning “The Church”, Garo Minassian, the Architect, called upon all the members of the “Designers’ Team”, while Fr. Constantin Alecse dealt with the convocation of the Building Committee membership, for Saturday, May 9, 2004, at 10:00 am, at the parish hall, located at: 3315 Verdugo Road, Los Angeles, CA 90065, with only one item on the Agenda:


1.     Presentation, Discussions, Recommendations, and Final Approval of the Architectural Plans for the Building Project of the New Holy Trinity Romanian Orthodox Church in Sunland, California, commencing the end of 2004.


20 people (members of the Building Committee and the Architectural team) were present:


The Building committee’s membership present:


1.  Very Rev. Fr. Dean Constantin Alecse, Parish Priest

2.     Rev. Fr. William John (Bill) Clark, associate pastor, Chaplain of the HTROC Chapel

3.     Mr. Constantin Jercan, Building Committee’s Chairman

4.     Mr. Marian Serban, President of the Parish Council

5.     Mrs. Dora-Marcela Serban, Secretary of the Parish Council

6.     Mr. John Simoni (General Constructor) Member

7.     Mr. Dorian Serban (General constructor), Member

8.     Mr. Petrica Predescu, businessman, Member

9.     Mr. Grigore Birtoc (General Constructor) Member

10.  Mr. Constantin Ciocan (Plumbing/Air Conditioning specialist) Member

11.  Mr. Octavian Cinca (Acoustical/Communication specialist) Member

12.  Mr. Ion Anton (Public relations) member


Absent from the meeting (for blessed reasons) were the following Building committee members:

13).  Mario Theodorou;

14). Doru Afloarei

15). Paul Mantea;

16 & 17). Marian & Robert Sarbu.


The Architectural team (giving presentations):


1.     Architect Garo Minassian and Erick, the Architect’s assistant, the 3 D presentation specialist;

2.     Architect Michelle Ertzan

3.     Mr. Samir D. Ekmekji (Reiss, Brown & Ekmekji) Structural Engineer

4.     Mr. George V. Hovaguimian and associate (Enercon System)  Mechanical Engineering (A/C, Ventilation, Plumbing & Waste Systems)

5.     Mr. Vrej Ratavousian, P.E. (Arrow Design) – Electrical Engineering Designers

6.     “Western Pioneer Sales Co” – representative - on behalf of Sean Callahan, Principal – Commercial Kitchen consultants & Suppliers.


Not giving presentations (at the stated meeting):


7).  Mr. George G. Boghossian (George G. Boghossian & Associates, Inc.) – Civil Engineer - who fulfilled his tasks, and already submitted the grading plans for approval;


8).  Mr. Alan Wing, G.E. (RT Frankian & Associates) – Soil & Geological Engineering – who also fulfilled the tasks, completing for submission the “Geological Report”.


After the  “Design Team” made its presentation  - close to one (1) hour – the Building Committee membership took almost another hour of discussions and recommendations.


Architect Michelle Ertzan (as a member of the community, very knowledgeable in the community’s customs, traditions, practices and social activities), summarized the Building Committee membership input and recommendations as following:




1.     Additional daylight in the great hall, by way of dormers or windows in the blank facade, borrowing daylight through the stage area;

2.     Rain gutters throughout;




1.     Reduce length of shear wall at East and of Altar in order to make it fit within the radius of the wall

2.     Two columns can be located in the Kitchen, at the cook’s island wall.

3.     Foundations at Great Hall and Class Rooms wing shall be  designed to sustain two-story loads for possible future expansion.




Air conditioning


1.     Verify location, size and number of condenser enclosures required for the Church;

2.     Look into solar panels located on the undeveloped portion of the hill (or on the 2nd phase building roofs) for Phase II of project;




1.     Provide individual meters for Classroom wing and future Phase II apartments;


Church Structure


2.     Use a continuous light soffit with fluorescent flex-type tubes at the base of the altar cupola; Omit type G sconces;

3.     Sconces type C in the nave to be raised at the level of the column capitals;


Revised proposed schedule for the services based on progress made to date.


1.   Submit plans for plan check

June 20, 2004

2.   Plan check

July 01, 2004

3.   Plan corrections, clearances & obtaining of permits

September 10, 2004

4.   Bidding & negotiation, select contractor

September 15, 2004

5.   Begin Construction

November 1, 2004


Building project web-site:


Building Project (information)

Photo-Album from the Meeting

Designer’s Team Coordinates

2003/2004 Committee’s actions

Special Assembly’s (2002)

Assembly’s Resolutions (2002)


Respectfully submitted, Fr. Constantin Alecse, parish priest / Dora-Marcela Serban, secretary


Viata Crestină, Aprilie-Iunie 2004


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